- The front page consists of the title of the center, the address, as well as a number and picture. The picture attracts people to the brochure, and there are also colors in the brochure. It gives the office policy right away as well, which gives you what to do if you can't make an appointment, and informing you that if you don't show up for 2 appointments, you will not be scheduled again. I think this is probably included because either it happens a lot, so they want to let you know, or they want to prevent it from happening so they want to show you right away.
- The next page gives you the services provided from the center. These include manual therapy exercises, a therapeutic exercise plan, body mechanics and postural education, and modalities. Each of these services is bolded and includes a list of examples under each one to give the specifics of the services. This is a good way of giving detail, and being organized.
- The next page is more of a general description of what physical therapy is, and informs that a doctor will refer you to what physical therapy is appropriate to benefit the patient. I think this is a good add on to the brochure because if a person is questioning whether he/she actually needs physical therapy, this will help them decide, and also personalizes it to their company ensuring the patient that they will be personally instructed.
- Treatment goals and what to expect is what is on the next page. This gives details for what the medical center hopes to do for the patient, and exactly what to expect, allowing the potential patient to get a clear idea of what the center will provide for them.
- Lastly, the brochure lets you know what to bring and what to wear, so an idea of what a visit will look like.
This brochure did a really good job of including information, general and specific, for potential patients. There were also colors and pictures throughout it to make it better looking and attractive to the eye. It included everything it needed to, but kept it at an organized and light level, so people would not get bored of it. The audience could be any adult who can read, or even a kid who could read could give it to their parents who could set up an appointment. This was a great brochure for the Maine Medical Center.
Brochure site: http://www.mmc.org/workfiles/mmc_family_medicine/SPT_SportsMedicine/SM_PTBrochure2009.pdf
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